The average house price on MACDONALD CLOSE is £116,852
The most expensive house in the street is 20 MACDONALD CLOSE with an estimated value of £138,114
The cheapest house in the street is 6 MACDONALD CLOSE with an estimated value of £91,327
The house which was most recently sold was 9 MACDONALD CLOSE, this sold on 2 Aug 2023 for £140,000
The postcode for MACDONALD CLOSE is S42 5EH
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
6 MACDONALD CLOSE Semi-Detached £91,327 £37,000 20 Mar 2003
8 MACDONALD CLOSE Semi-Detached £123,114 £100,000 19 Jun 2020
9 MACDONALD CLOSE Semi-Detached £140,000 2 Aug 2023
20 MACDONALD CLOSE Semi-Detached £138,114 £110,000 4 Sep 2018
22 MACDONALD CLOSE Semi-Detached £114,855 £90,000 15 Jan 2018